November 2019: Native American History Month

first peoples native american history month nov 2019 november Nov 22, 2019

November has been Native American Heritage Month in the United States since 1990. This month is a time to celebrate the First Peoples’ rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories.  SIETAR USA is proud to recognize and honor Native Americans and their important contributions to our culture and our country. There is a history of designating a day to honor Native people dating back to President Coolidge in 1915. In 1986 President Reagan declared the week of November 23-30 as American Indian Week. In 1990 President George Bush approved a joint proclamation to honor America’s tribal people for the entire month of November. Every President since 1995 has issued an annual proclamation designating the month of November as the time to celebrate the culture, accomplishments, and contributions of people who were the first inhabitants of this land. On November 5, 2019 the U.S. government officially proclaimed November as National American History and Founders Month. SIETAR USA honors U.S. history in all its forms but most strongly asserts its core values in honoring the first peoples of the land we currently know by the name of the United States of America.