2019 conference challenges communication conference diversity inclusion october 2019 planning Oct 15, 2019

The conference gestation period is almost at an end—just a few weeks until the baby will be born. It always takes on a life of its own once it starts—much like a real baby coming into the world. I know it is drawing close because after daily work on the zillion conference decisions and arrangements since January, it’s now entering my dreams. Some of the dreams have a germ of sense or relate to what I was working on that day, but some are a bit bizarre. That’s the nature of dreams but not the nature of the conference. It will be an exciting learning event and not to be missed.

At some point in their career, every interculturalist is asked, “Why is intercultural competence important? What difference does it make?” These questions challenge the foundations of the intercultural field. What is your answer? These questions and more are food for discussion with your colleagues at the 18th national conference in Atlanta.

Why now?  International relations as well as domestic diversity and inclusion are unsettled and not getting any better. Communication plays a significant role in people’s perceptions of the state of the world. Instant global communication relays events that happen across borders around the world as they happen. Violence in one city or town becomes the news of the day. Intercultural competence is needed now as never before.

Join us for a conference designed to stimulate your thinking, foster insights and understanding, expand your skills and renew your commitment—we will work together to explore important questions and seek answers.

Sandra M. Fowler
SIETAR USA President